Chemistry Courses


The Chemistry Department offers a number of courses to accommodate the students at Fullerton College. Coursework in the chemical sciences includes instruction in the properties and behavior of matter, including molecular-level interpretations regarding the properties and reactions of inorganic and organic substances.

The courses you might take will depend on your intended academic path!

For students interested in pursuing an education in the sciences, pre-health professions, or engineering, the department offers general chemistry (CHEM 111AF and 111BF) and organic chemistry (CHEM 211AF and 211BF). Students interested in pursuing a career in the allied health sciences might be interested in CHEM 101 F Chemistry for Allied Health Science and CHEM 201 F Biochemistry for Allied Health Science. And, of course, for the purpose of simply satisfying general education requirements the department offers CHEM 100 F Chemistry for Daily Life, CHEM 103 F Chemistry in a Changing World, or CHEM 107 F Preparation for General Chemistry.

Click here to view the catalog descriptions for chemistry courses at Fullerton College