Department of Chemistry

The Chemistry Department is an integral part of the Division of Natural Sciences at Fullerton College. The faculty members of the department support the College’s mission to prepare students to be successful learners and are dedicated towards promoting excellence in learning.


The Chemistry Department embraces the College’s mission by offering courses needed to meet general education requirements and for transfer to a four-year institution or professional school as chemistry or science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) majors. Students enrolled in chemistry courses have the opportunity to participate in laboratory activities that support and reinforce lecture concepts.

Image Credit: Geronimo Gudino

The wacky and dreamy times offset by the perfect blend of learning and fun can be found on the third floor of the 400 building, where one organic chemistry and four general chemistry  labs are located. Additionally, computer labs are adjoined to two of the general chemistry labs.   


Department Coordinator:

Americo Fraboni, Ph.D.

Telephone: (714) 992-7454



Course Prerequisites


Staff and Faculty