Student Spotlight
Are you an FC Biotech student and wish to be featured on our website? Visit our contact page a fill out a contact form!

Spotlight – Ryu Kim
November 2024
Ryu is currently enrolled as a Biotechnology major and is working to complete the Lab Assistant certificate through the FC Biotech Program this semester!
He hopes to transfer to the Biotechnology program at UC Davis and further his education by pursuing a Master’s or Phd. In the future he wants to work in research, specifically in finding new ways to combat the aging process if it’s possible.
Ryu’s advice to current and incoming students:
“Do what makes you happy. I love Biotech which is why I came into the field, and to be honest, I never really get tired of learning Biotech because it’s just fun to me.”
Spotlight – Aislynn Casillas
October 2024
Aislynn is currently enrolled as a Biology major and is working to complete the Lab Assistant certificate through the FC Biotech Program! Aislynn has received two certificates through the FC Administration of Justice program and is also enrolled at Cal State Long Beach as a criminal justice major with a minor in forensic studies.
Aislynn hopes to become a forensic scientist and get a Masters degree in Forensic science to work in a crime lab. She is currently in a forensic internship with the Fullerton PD!
Aislynn’s advice to current and incoming students:
“Always remember that our goals in life don’t happen right away and it takes time. Organizing and coming up with a game plan helps with everything. Organizing your school or work schedule ahead of time is helpful.”

Spotlight – Karely Guzman
September 2024
Karely is currently enrolled as a Biological Technician major and is working to complete all the certificates through the FC Biotech Program. Karely has received her Lab Assistant Certificate, and is on track to earn her BioManufacturing Technician Certificate and Laboratory Technician Certificate in the coming year!
Karely hopes to become a forensic scientist or further her education in biotechnology and get her master in Biotechnology/Molecular Biology.
Karely’s advice to current and incoming students:
“Showing up is the hardest part. In college, it is easy to fall behind so it’s important to show up ready and prepared for all your classes. Review material before going into class and come in with a fresh mindset! If you ever feel discouraged or unmotivated, remind yourself of your goals and what your future would look like when they’re accomplished!”
Spotlight – Samantha Hernandez
May 2024
Samantha is currently enrolled as a Biological Technician major and is working to complete all the certificates through the FC Biotech Program. Samantha has received her Lab Assistant Certificate, and is on track to earn her BioManufacturing Technician Certificate and Laboratory Technician Certificate in the coming year!
Samantha is currently part of the Cal State Fullerton internship working in Dr. Keppetipola’s Lab research.
Samantha’s advice to current and incoming students:
“Don’t be afraid to fail. It’s all part of the process of getting to our goals and learning! Take advantage of office hours and tutoring if you are ever lost, take opportunities, and also build connections!”

Spotlight – Anthony Siqueiros
April 2024
Anthony is currently enrolled as a Biochemistry major and is in the process of earning all certificates through the FC Biotech Program. With having taken almost all of the biotech classes offered at Fullerton College, Anthony has received his Lab Assistant Certificate and BioManufacturing Technician Certificate, and is on track to earn his Laboratory Technician Certificate in the coming year!
Anthony’s career goals are to transfer to a university for his Master’s degree expanding his knowledge in chemistry and biology and possible also continue his education after achieving his Master’s.
Anthony’s advice to current and incoming students:
“I would recommend never giving up as perseverance is key. Take all the help you can get. Use the services available, the school provides a tutoring center, the lasses have embedded tutor’s and the professors have office hours, and don’t be afraid to make friends with your classmates and ask them for help too/ All these opportunities will help set you up for success. I didn’t know much of anything when I started and the world has opened up to me. I have moments of self doubt every single semester as this is the hardest challenge I’ve ever taken educating myself. Good Luck.”
Spotlight – Nathaly Cruz
March 2024
Nathaly is currently enrolled as a biology major and is in the process of earning all certificates through the FC Biotech Program. With having taken more than half of the biotech classes offered at Fullerton College, Nathaly has received her Lab Assistant Certificate and is on track to earn her BioManufacturing Technician and Laboratory Technician certificates in the coming year.
Nathaly hopes to be part of a natural science/biotechnology internship very soon. Nathaly’s career goals are to transfer to CSU Fullerton and continue expanding her knowledge in chemistry and biology.
Nathaly’s advice to current and incoming students:
“Go to office hours and tutoring! Not only do you get your questions answered, but it gives you a push that you are capable of understanding what you are learning, don’t give up!”

Spotlight – Antonio Alvarez
February 2024
Antonio has a bachelor’s degree in Clinical Laboratory Science from a Philippine University and is working to get their AS in Biological Technician from Fullerton College. With taking more than half of the biotechnology courses, Antonio has received their first certificate and is on track to get the Biomanufacturing Technician and Laboratory Technician certificates. Antonio is currently in the process of becoming part of the FC Biotech Outreach team and is working with our lab technician preparing materials needed for our Biol 193 Molecular Biology class. In the future they plan to find an industry job with the skills they’re learning now!
Antonio’s advice to current and incoming students:
“Stay resilient and focused on your goals. It’s easier said than done but don’t give up. Every step forward, no matter how small, is a victory. Don’t be afraid to fail, failure is not the end but a path forward. Each setback is an opportunity to learn and adapt to be better equipped for the challenges ahead.”
We are excited to welcome you to the team Antonio!
Spotlight – Eunice Michel
November 2023
Eunice is currently enrolled as a pre-nursing major and is in the process of earning certificated through the FC Biotech Program. With having taken more than half of the biotech classes offered at Fullerton College. Eunice has received her Lab Assistant Certificate and is on track to earn her BioManufacturing Technician and Laboratory Technician Certificates in the coming year.
Eunice’s career goals are to pursue work in a research laboratory as a clinical lab scientist, stating that, “the biotech program certificates will prepare [her] with all the essential skills that are needed to be learned.” She is currently employed through the FC Biotech Program where she TA’s for our BIOL 191 course and participates at events as an outreach team member!
Eunice’s advice to current and incoming students:
“To any student that’s unsure whether they want to join the program, they should give it a try. I wasn’t sure at first if I wanted to stay in the program, but I loved the first two classes I took (BIO190 & Bio191) and I chose to stay in the program. Unsure students should start out with the first classes of the first certificate to see if they like it, if it isn’t for them. they can walk away with the experience of what biotech is!”

Spotlight – Jackie Hernandez
October 2023
Jackie is a biology major at Fullerton College and is currently taking courses to earn the Lab Assistant Certificate. Over the summer she participated in a research internship at CSUF through Project RAISE with a focus on how certain bacteria affect drosophila melanogaster development time.
Jackie’s educational plan is to earn a Bachelors in Bioscience with a concentration in Molecular Biology and Biotechnology. Currently she is in the process of becoming a FC Biotech Outreach team member! In the Future, she hopes to soon work in a laboratory where she can continue to strengthen her skills, claiming ” the FC Biotech Program will definitely help me stand out when applying for lab assistant position once I acquire the certificate”!
Jackie’s advice to current and incoming students:
“If you have a genuine passion for biology and a curiosity about whether a career in biotechnology is for you, I recommend enrolling in the first class (biology 190). The introductory course is a valuable gateway that offers insights into the different career options within biotechnology and gives you a good understanding of the biological processes and laboratory techniques used in the field. If you choose to continue with the program it can open up doors that will aid you in advancing your career in biotech”.
We are excited to welcome you to the outreach team Jackie!
Spotlight – Daniel Yoo
September 2023
Daniel has received the Lab Assistant certificate along with an AS in Biological Technician and an AS in Sociology. As of now he doesn’t plan to transfer, but is ready for any good opportunity that comes his way and will work hard at it. Daniel was a tremendous help working as a volunteer for the FC Biotech Summer Camp!
Daniel’s Advice: Manage your time when learning something new. Although learning a new subject may seem daunting, it’s important to break it up and focus on what you know and build from there.

Spotlight- Evelyn Vasquez
August 2023
Evelyn has received all three of the certificates offered by the FC Biotech Program and is planning on transferring to Cal State Fullerton as a Bio/Biotech major or transferring to MiraCosta College to earn a Biomanufacturing Degree. Evelyn was an intern for the Amgen Biotech Experience and is currently working for the FC Biotech Program’s outreach team!
Evelyn’s advice to current and incoming students:
“Don’t get discouraged if you feel overwhelmed, everybody goes at their own pace in life. At Fullerton College the professors and TA’s will help you, but won’t know you need help until you ask for it. Don’t be shy, and take advantage of office hours and tutoring opportunities because the resources are available to you.”
Thank you for all of your hard work and dedication to the program Evelyn! we are excited to be a part of your biotech journey!
Spotlight- Marco Eugenio
May 2023
Marco has received his AA in Liberal Arts and transferred to UCI to double major in English and French. He decided to return to Fullerton College to take courses required for Physician Assistant school, and upon attending a FC biotech Open House he developed an interest in biotechnology. Marco has received the first two certificates and will be earning the Laboratory Technician certificate this Spring semester as well as the AS in Biological Technician degree. In addition, he holds the BACE and BioTC credentials.
Marco plans to look for employment opportunities upon completion of the FC Biotech Program. He currently is participating in research at the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at CSUF in collaboration with the FC Biosciences Internship Program and the Bio 193 biotech course. His research involves exploring the potential influences and/or factors of RNA binding proteins on the alternative splicing of pre-mRNA transcripts.
Marco’s advice to current and incoming students:
“1. Get a handle on lab math. Yes, it is very important!
2. Learn to be “uncomfortable”. Growth comes when you step away from your comfort zone and explore new things. I wish I would have learned this sooner.
3. Learn self-sufficiency in the work and lab environment. Though you will be collaborating and working as a team with your peers, this dynamic can only function if others can entrust and have confidence in you.
4. Develop friendships wherever you can. Your current lab mates you are sitting next to you right now may be your colleagues at a professional and occupational level in the future”.
Congratulations Marco on your achievements and earning your Laboratory Technician Certificate this semester! The FC Biotech Program is honored to be a part of your biotech education!

Spotlight- Eunice Paek
April 2023
Eunice is a Fullerton College student pursuing a Biological Technician Associate’s Degree and has plans to transfer to MiraCosta College to join the Biomanufacturing Bachelor’s Program! Eunice has earned the Laboratory Assistant Certification and is currently working towards the last two certificates. Her main goal is to experience some of the many fields of biotechnology.
“Academic research labs, large-scale biomanufacturing research and development, all of it sounds interesting. So I’m going to try out and learn as much as I can!”
She currently works as a lab assistant for the biology stock room where she’s able to apply much of her biotech lab skills in a work setting.
Eunice’s advice to current and incoming students:
“Everyone goes on their own paths at different paces and there is nothing wrong with that! There is no right way to live and no concrete definition of success, so take your time and find what will work for you. You will live the life you build… so don’t be scared to do what you think is best for you.”
Thank you for your help in the stock room and we are excited to be a part of your biotech journey!
Spotlight – Jenny Perez
March 2023
Jenny has earned a Laboratory Assistant Certificate through the FC Biotech program and is currently working on earning her 2nd and 3rd biotech certificates as well as the biological Technician Associates degree. Before switching to a biology major Jenny earned an Associates in Science degree in Administration of Justice.
Last summer Jenny participated in the project RAISE internship with a focus on bacteria and its resistance against antibiotics. If you get a chance make sure to check out her research poster in the 400 building on FC campus! In addition to project RAISE jenny was a pilot intern for the new forensics internship collaboration between the Administration of Justice and Natural Science departments! She had the opportunity to intern with the Forensics Department at the Fullerton Police Department and shadow to observe crime scene and interview processes in the field.
Jenny’s advice to current and incoming students:
“Take advantage of the opportunities that are presented in front of you, even if you feel you aren’t ready. I wouldn’t have had the amazing experiences from this past year if i didn’t follow that piece of advice … Be persistent in your journey and the hard work will pay off”.

Spotlight- Nathalei De Paz
February 2023
Nathalei is a graduate from the University of Riverside where she received her bachelor’s in science for Anthropology. Upon returning to Fullerton College, she has received two certificates through the FC Biotechnology program and is taking courses to receive her 3rd certificate this semester!
Nathalei currently works as a Hornet’s Tutor as well as a member of the FC Biotech program outreach team, and will begin searching for jobs once she becomes Laboratory Technician certified at the end of this spring semester. She is also looking into programs involved in stem cell regenerative medicine.
Nathalei’s advice to current and incoming students:
“Take advantage of all the resources our campus has to offer. Resources such as the career center, on-campus clubs/organizations, hornet’s tutors, STEM counselors, etc. Also, do not be discouraged to return back to Fullerton for the remaining certificates if it interests you. We have a very supportive community if faculty, staff and students.”
Spotlight- Amanda Hernandez
December 2022
Amber has received her Laboratory Assistance Certification from the FC Biotech Program and will be transferring to Cal Poly Pomona! She is currently a Nutrition and Dietetics major, but has plans to change to BioResource and Agricultural Engineering, with a minor in Plant Biotechnology. She is currently working in Dietary at St. Jude Medical Center, but intends on advancing her skills and transferring to their laboratory department.
Amber’s advice to current and incoming students:
“Get comfortable with asking questions, and learn the metric system. laboratory technique comes with a price”.
We wish you good luck at CalPoly Pomona Amber!!

Spotlight- Kennedie Doyle
November 2022
Kennedie received her Lab Assistant certification from our biotech program and has transferred to Cal State Long Beach as a Molecular Cell Biology major with a minor in Chemistry. After graduating from CSULB is the spring she plans on returning to Fullerton College to continue taking classes for our Biomanufacturing Technician and Laboratory Technician certificates. Kennedie has been a biology tutor at FC for 2 years and is a current member of our FC biotech outreach team!
Kennedie’s advice to current and incoming students:
“College can be very overwhelming sometimes, and it’s okay to not know exactly what your plan is. The best thing I feel you can do as a student is reach out to your professors and classmates. I have found that they are more than willing to offer advice to help guide you in the right direction! Also, it is very easy to succumb to the pressure of having to graduate on time. Everyone has their own path and timeline of success, so follow the steps that best suit you!”
Thank you Kennedie for your help with program and good luck on receiving your next certificate!!
Spotlight- Amanda Dewell
October 2022
Amanda has received her lab assistant and biomanufacturing technician certificate through our program and is currently a tutor for our 191 biotechnology lab skills course! she has plans to continue with the program and is set to receive her 3rd certificate and become laboratory technician certified! She is currently doing research on antimicrobial resistance genes in bacteria collected around Orange County area. After receiving her final certificate she will focus her time on working in the industry and then pursuing her PhD. Amanda has come a long way throughout her time here as a student. In 2017 she had gotten kicked out of school for poor grades, but made the decision to go back and try again! She claims it took, “A LOT of work and A LOT of introspection to change as a student”.
Amanda’s advice to currents and incoming students:
“Don’t give up, be open to change, and things will get better with time. It’s easier said than done, and I still struggle with this all time. Also, if you want to succeed in any course, make friends and study with them. Without the support of my classmates (now friends) I wouldn’t have gotten to where I am now”.
We are thankful for all of your help as a tutor and are honored to be part of your journey to success Amanda! Good Luck on pursuing your 3rd certificate!

Spotlight- Miriam Restrepo
September 2022
Miriam joined our biotech program after earning her B.S. Biology from UCLA. She has earned her first two biotechnology certificates and will finish her last certificate in the Spring of 2023! She has plans to apply to Neuroscience and Neurobiology programs this Fall and believes that, “[our] program was the perfect way to gain more laboratory and industry skills over the pandemic.”
Miriam is currently working at a brain cancer research lab in Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles where she uses many of the lab skills she gained in our Protein Biochemistry and Tissue Culture courses.
Miriam’s Advice to current and incoming students:
“Talk to the professors as much as possible about everything. They are all very knowledgeable about college, graduate programs, industry, research, and all the struggles in between. Dr. Dimitratos helped me prepare for interviews and perfected my resume. All his efforts helped me get the job I have today.”
Spotlight- Cj Ritumban
July 2022
Cj has received all three certificates offered by our program, with his favorite courses being Protein Biochemistry and Tissue Culture Methods! He is planning on transferring to Cal poly Pomona this Fall Semester and is currently applying for jobs in the industry.
Cj’s advice for current and incoming students:
“Always stay determined and passionate. Nothing great is gained without hard work! If you’re serious about a future in biology, enroll in the biotech classes! Even if you’re not sure yet and want to explore the laboratory space, take the biotech laboratory skills class! This program ha some of the greatest professors I’ve met, who are eager to see their students succeed.”

Spotlight- Stephanie Tan
June 2022
Stephanie has received her third certificate from our program and has taken all of our offered courses here at Fullerton College! She’s currently working for the program as a biotech tutor and outreach coordinator. She has done an amazing job helping coordinate all of our events this semester and her efforts continue to contribute to the success of the program!
Stephanie’s advice for current and incoming students:
“Try to accept as many opportunities that are presented to you as you can. You will learn something new, gain new experiences, and grow your network!”
Spotlight- Logan Bell
May 2022
Logan has received all 3 of our offered biotechnology certificates here at Fullerton College. He is currently enjoying his time assisting our Biol 196 Tissue Culture Methods class while also applying for job positions in the industry.
Logan’s advice to current and incoming students:
“It’s never too early or too late to go for something. Pursue your passions, but don’t be afraid to change your mind”.

SpotLight- Serah Park
April 2022
Serah received her Biotech Lab Assistant Certificate and also took our offered internship course where she was given opportunities to hone her lab skills and gained experiences that extend beyond the classroom. She has plans to attend Williams College in Massacheusettes and intends on majoring in biology with a molecular bio/biochemistry concentration.
As a high school student, Serah became interested in our biotech courses after she attended one of our open house events
Spotlight – Chanelle Leva
March 2022
Chanelle took Bio 190/190L and 191 at Fullerton College and received her Biotechnology Lab Assistant Certificate. She is currently attending UCLA majoring in Anthropology with a focus in Biology and Minoring in Society and Genetics. Chanelle is a part of an outreach organization at UCLA that offers guidance for new and incoming students. She is also a panelist speaker and likes to stress, “the importance and value of a career technical education such as the biotechnology program at FC”.
Chanelle’s advice for incoming and current students:
“Sometimes the most difficult times often lead to the greatest rewarding moments of your life. Therefore, always remember to take some time out to practice self-care along your journey. And most importantly, keep going even when you feel like you can’t. There’s a future version of you who’s incredibly proud that you were strong enough”.

Biotech and your Career Goals Seminar
Our alumni panel talks about their experience in our program and how they utilized their certificates to establish the careers they have today. In this seminar we learn a little bit about the diverse career options available to students with our certificates and which skills our alumni use most at their jobs. Hear their advice to students about courses and what things students can do to get the most out of college and our biotechnology program!
Featuring Alumni Speakers
Brandi Castle – Bioprocess Technician
Vela Council – Physician’s Assistant Student
Albert Esparza – Biotechnology Manufacturing
Belgica Garcia – Senior PCR Technician
Stephanie Harchenko – PhD Student